Phases of Venus
Cynthiae Figuras Aemulatur Mater Amorum

(minimum resolution: 800 x 600 - best resolution: 1600 x 900)

In Spring 2020 Venus made her great performance at the evening sky.

My videography equipment got a little bit rusty, so I struggled with the planetary camera I bought two years ago. As an immediate backup I used my DSLR camera to take a few videos with my humble 80/600 mm refractor. With a Barlow lens I extended the focal length to 1745 mm. Don't bother to look for any detail on the surface of Venus. The atmosphere is so dense and so full of carbon dioxide and sulfur trioxide that in visible light the clouds do not allow to observe anything on the ground. The only observable details on Venus are the cloud layers themselves, but these are reserved for advanced equipment allowing to capture the ultraviolet light.

The phases of Venus were discovered by the very first documented user of telescopes for astronomy, Galileo Galilei. He was so anxious not to reveal his discovery too generously that he hid it behind a very enigmatic phrase: "Cynthiae figuras aemulatur mater amorum", in other words, the mother of love mimics the shapes of the moon...

Venus 56 Days before Conjunction

Size: 45 KB
Lens: 1745 mm f 21.8
Camera: Canon EOS 700D mod.
Filter: none
Exposure time: 1/250 sec @ 25 pics/sec
Location: 16°24' E, 48°10' N
Time / date: 20:27 / Apr.08th, 2020.

Venus 27 Days before Conjunction

Size: 46 KB
Lens: 1745 mm f 21.8
Camera: Canon EOS 700D mod.
Filter: none
Exposure time: 1/125 sec @ 25 pics/sec
Location: 16°24' E, 48°10' N
Time / date: 20:53 / May 07th, 2020.

Venus 16 Days before Conjunction

Size: 47 KB
Lens: 1745 mm f 21.8
Camera: Canon EOS 700D mod.
Filter: none
Exposure time: 1/60 sec @ 25 pics/sec
Location: 16°24' E, 48°10' N
Time / date: 20:26 / May 18th, 2020.

Light Equipment

Snapshot taken by Michael Posavec

Please keep in mind that astrophotography is a hobby that demands a lot of money and even more time and effort. So I have to state that the copyrights for all of these pictures are reserved. In case you'd like to use our pictures for more that just watching them, please send me an e-mail-message and ask for permission.
Thank you.

Link to Video Processing Software:


If you should have found a broken link or suggest other recommendable sites related to video astronomy, please let me know.

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