In July 2020 comet Neowise switched from the southern to the northern hemisphere. In the days right after its arrival it stood very low close to the north-eastern horizon, but was easily visible to the naked eye, even the tail.
The short time window between tight closeness to the horizon and early dawn did not allow more than just 33 x 0.5 minutes of exposure. If you are not afraid of some noisiness, feel free to click at the image to watch the comet in more detail!
The comet resembles a bit the appearance of comet Hale Bopp back in 1997. Specifically the delicate blue gas tail and the much more prominent dust tail with some parallel structures are pretty similar to the features I observed in the even more luminous precursor. Right at the head of the comet the tail splits into two streaks separated by a darker gap in between. However, this phenomenon was much more obvious in visual observation with my small 66m refractor telescope.
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