Faint Nebulosities in Cepheus
Sharpless Catalogue: Sh-2 132
Constellation: Cepheus

"oh my god -- it's full of stars!" This iconic quotation from Arthur C. Clarke's novel "2001: A Space Odyssey" fits perfectly for this picture frame. The preview you are seeing on this page is a poor reflection of what you will be seeing at higher resolution when clicking on the image. I stopped down the new small Takahashi with only 60mm aperture to 280 mm focal length enhancing the widefield impression for this extremely busy milky way skyscape with the red hydrogen nebula as a highlight at the center. The considerably faint red nebula just made it to a nice performance because of the 4.5 hours of exposure in a sufficiently dark night at Schrick. North is to the right.

This area is not at all far away from the more famous and much larger IC 1396.
Mind also the small open clusters NGC 7234 (lower right), NGC 7261 (right), and NGC7245 (left). The two "holes" in the crowd of stars just below the nebula are the dark nebulae LDN 1149 and LDN 1154.

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