Reinhard's Astronomy Links

If you should have noticed that some of these links have changed or if you would like to have added recommendable sites to this non-representative list, please send me an e-mail message.

Space News:

NASA - Astronomy Picture of the Day
"Sky and Telescope" magazine. Free articles.
"Universe Today" was recently removed from the list because of excessive ads, pop-ups and re-routings.

Sites of Other Amateurs:

Matt BenDaniel
Noel Carboni
Chris Cook
Ivan Eder
Robert Gendler
Dietmar Hager (in German)
Tony Hallas
Gerald Hitz
Michal Kaluzny (in Polish)
Yuuji Kitahara
Dave Kodama
Walter Koprolin
Thierry Legault
Jerry Lodriguss
Steve Mazlin
Axel Mellinger
Kunihiko Okano
Philip Perkins
Michael Posavec
Philipp Salzgeber
Gerard Therin (in French)
Chuck Vaughn
Chris Vedeler

Sites of Organizations (amateur + professional):

Astronomical Society of New South Wales (AU)
Astronomische Gesellschaft (DE)
Canberra Astronomical Society (AU)
Linzer Astronomische Gemeinschaft (AT)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (US)
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (CA)
Vereinigung der Sternfreunde e.V. (DE)

Special concern:

International Dark-Sky Association
A Strong Light Pollution Awareness Video

Sites of Observatories (amateur + professional):

Australian Astronomical Observatory [f.k.a. "Anglo-Australian Telescope"] (AU)
Sternwarte Hochb rneck (AT)
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (ES)
Kuffner Sternwarte (AT)
Misti Mountain Observatory (US)
Mount Wilson observatory (US)
Sternwarte Gahberg (AT)
Vatican Observatory (VA)

Remarkable Instruments:

The Most Expensive & Amazing Telescopes In History
25 Public Showcase Observatories in the USA

Astronomy and History:

Top Astronomy Nasa Photos Of All Time

Famous Persons:

In memory to Robert Burnham jr.
In memory to Hermann Mucke (in German)

Astronomy Basics, Education, Libraries, References:

Kids and Education:

The reasons why we explore the sky
Introduction into astronomy for kids and those still young enough to enjoy learning new things...
Gifted Geek: An introductory guide for kids who are intersted in astronomy
A collection of articles addressing questions kids ask about astronomy
Link page: Astronomy questions answered for young explorers - and playful approaches to astronomy
Let's play outer space! Games with astronomy background
A parents' guide to foster their kids' interest in astronomy


A 1.01 guide into astronomy with plenty of useful links to other related pages
A beginner's guide for the cost-contious astronomer from the UK perspective
An astronomy observation intro with an easy-read instrumentation overview
Safe Stars: An astronomy resource guide and educational review
Useful introduction for astronomy novices
An appetizer to astronomy with plenty of references to astronomical content
An astronomy page with references nicely grouped by content and user interest
Astronomy related page containing references grouped by target groups
A great backyard astronomy introductory guide!
A flashlight on how data science fuels modern astronomy

Fun and Mind-Blows:

Let's play astronomy! Games, terminology and more...
The concept of the futuristic space elevator as an inexpensive alternative to space rockets explained by Andy Darnley

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