(minimum resolution: 800 x 600 - best resolution: 1024 x 768)
On May 31st, 2003 there was a very special sunrise visible in the Vienna area. The sun rose as a sickle and underwent a partial eclipse with a maximum coverage of about 70%. The eclipse of the sun was total over Iceland and Greenland only.
I decided to capture the event with my 400mm/5.6 telephoto lens and a Sony videocamera (both unguided). Unfortunately, the negatives were severely damaged by Kodak laboratories, therefore I had to spend plenty of time for digital repair work. Enjoy (click for magnification) and feel free to comment if you like to.
Nevertheless, I want to share my impression with you, I hope you don't mind the limited quality of the pictures.
Please keep in mind that astrophotography is
a hobby that demands a lot of money and even more time and effort. So I
have to state that the copyrights for all of these pictures are reserved.
In case you'd like to use my pictures for more that just watching them,
please send me an e-mail-message and ask for
Thank you.