The Venus Transit 2004
observed in Vienna, Austria

(minimum resolution: 800 x 600 - best resolution: 1024 x 768)

On June 8th, 2004 a rare astronomical event kept amateur astronomers busy - at least those who were located in the eastern hemisphere. For a few hours the sun, Venus and earth were so perfectly aligned that from our perspective our neighbour planet slowly moved across the sun. This is an event that happens usually every 113 or 130 years in pairs which are 8 years apart, so the previous ones were in 1874 and 1882, the next ones are to be in 2012, 2117 and 2125. What was unique for this specific transit, was the outstanding visibility for central Europe, combined with fine weather forecasts.

Needless to say that this was a "must-see" for me, so I took a day off and had my equipment placed on a hill called "Laaer Berg" in the southern part of Vienna. As air transparency mattered less than steady air, I didn't bother to make a long trip to some hill outside the city. I experienced that the atmosphere is often more turbulent in mountain areas, specially in summer.

Unfortunately clouds came and went, but nevertheless I was happy to capture at least parts of the event with two setups I used. First, I took pictures with my 8" SCT to document the transit in detail. In the final phase of the transit I took a fast motion sequence with my video camera to which a 2x teleconverter was attached.

Here you may have a look at the pictures and the video:

Time Series Mosaic

Size: 109 KB
Lens: 2030 mm / 10.0
Film: Kodak TP2415
Filter: none
Exposure times:
1/2000 - 1/1000 - 1/500 sec
Location: 16°24' E, 48°10' N

Stacked Image

Size: 54 KB
Lens: 2030 mm / 10.0
Film: Kodak TP2415
Filter: none
Exposure times:
1/2000 - 1/1000 - 1/500 sec
Location: 16°24' E, 48°10' N

Transit Video

Size: 5.0 MB
Lens: 33 mm / 1.7 + 2.0x Teleconversion lens
Format: Mini-DV
Filter: none

Location: 16°24' E, 48°10' N

Please keep in mind that astrophotography is a hobby that demands a lot of money and even more time and effort. So I have to state that the copyrights for all of these pictures are reserved. In case you'd like to use our pictures for more that just watching them, please send me an e-mail-message and ask for permission.
Thank you.

Sites related to the 2004 transit:
NASA 2004 transit page
An interesting transit reference site in german language

If you should have noticed that some of these links have changed or if you would like to have added recommendable sites to this non-representative list, please send me an e-mail message.

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