Again a good night under bad circumstaces. After endless weeks of bad weather in winter 2020/21 the first clear and dark night was occupied with an exam I had to hold at our college that ended not before 7 o'clock. I made it to be out on the hills by 8, and when the exposures started another hour later, there were quite a few thin clouds disturbing the clear view. And after less than two hours of effective exposure frost started to cover my lens at a temperature of -9 C.
However, regardless of all the difficulties, I am happy to post this picture to continue my story. Website visitors who also researched my older pictures may remember the nebula from a frame I took more than 10 years ago. In March 2008 I capured this nebula when comet Holmes went past. In these early years of digital astrophotography I used my 200 mm telephoto lens to capture the comet quite a few months after the outburst.
Technically the new photo I took with my short Takahashi refractor may be superior, but I still love to revisit the legacy image with the unique appearance of the interplanetary passenger.
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